7 Tips For Better Online Banking

12:13:00 AM Posted by Benny Andhika

Banking has never been easier than it is today. Online banking allows you to access you bank at any time of day or night. You can even do this dressed in your underwear if you like. And if you choose to do it that way, it's just as well there are no lines to wait in for online banks.

1. Probably the first thing to consider with online banking is the convenience. You can access your bank via the Internet at any time of day or night, even while lying in bed if you like.

2. Transaction performed online are generally much cheaper than those done over the counter at a bank branch. You can pay bills, transfer cash, check balances, and much more for much less.

3. Online business savings accounts is something worth considering. The interest rates are usually higher and the fees are lower than traditional bricks and mortar bank branches.

4. Your computer has convenient ways to help you remember your login details. But don't use the "remember my password" option if your computer suggests it. Keep your bank login details very safe and very secret.

5. Most online banks will allow you change your password. This is a very good idea and something you should do regularly. Of course, you must also remember your new password each time it is changed.

6. Logging on to your online bank is easy and very convenient. But after you have completed your business, remember to log out of your online bank again. This is especially important if you access you bank from a library, at work, or in a cyber café.

7. Enjoy your online banking, but beware of any email you receive asking you to verify your bank details by clicking a link. The site may look authentic, but it will probably be a fake. Respectable banks don't ask anyone to verify details by email.

Internet Marketing Requires Strategy

1:10:00 AM Posted by Benny Andhika

The Internet is a place where people often keep putting money into the slot machine and hope they will hit the jackpot. Most people make the mistake and think that huge amount of traffic can bring good business without paying any attention to what sort of people are coming to the website. This is the worst mistake of Internet Marketing.

No matter how revolutionary your product or service is, unless it is backed by a well-thought out Internet marketing strategy, it is as good as being non-existent. Getting the right traffic to your website is the biggest challenge you’ll face while trying to set up an online business. When you set up your online business, you don't know them and they don't know you. You need to make your presence felt; you need to set up an identity for yourself that tells your visitors that you are not a fly by night just seeing if this really does work. Your website should represent a genuine business that can really deliver. How can you do that?


A good website is essential to your online presence. It is your online office; people come there and draw an impression. Even the first glance can make or break a great business transaction. Your website should be neat and clean. It should be accessible to people of all abilities and it should have a well-structured navigation system.


If having a decent website is important, then so is having the right kind of content on your pages. As mentioned above, your website represents you. Since you are not there to directly talk to your visitors, your website must accomplish that task. Make your content as convincing as you can. Make sure your visitors get all the right information they need to take their visit to the next level.


Establishing an identity takes time, and this is not just unique to the Internet. Companies invest millions of dollars on establishing their brands. On the Internet, you need to establish your identity, you need your name to sound familiar, and you need to be there almost all the time. Finally, although there are numerous methods being sold as they claim to make you rich, there is no substitute for a thing called good old hard work. As in any form of business, hard work is needed to build trust, to initiate a two-way communication, to render a countenance to your online presence your customers can relate to, and to deliver goods and services that set you on a path of long-term profitability.